For online grocery shopping, weigh pros and cons of convenience, fees, and product selection in light of your lifestyle and priorities. Test it, then decideQ: My husband and I have been married a long time and worked hard to save for retirement. We were doing OK until a medical issue meant that we had to put an end to the consulting work we were doing. Thankfully we don’t have too much debt and have been able to adjust, but the one thing we still seem to spend a lot of money on is our groceries. I think it’s because we go shopping together and it’s kind of a weekly date for us. We go for lunch with friends first and then make the rounds to the various stores where we like to buy our food. We mentioned this to our daughter, and she suggested that she’s been able to save money by ordering her groceries online. While we do shop online for certain things, we’ve never considered it for groceries. Is it actually worth it? ~Elizabeth  Read MoreRead More

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