Photo courtesy of KhaoSod
A mother and her child narrowly escaped an attack by two Thai dogs that had broken free from their home.

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

A mother and her child narrowly escaped an attack by two Thai dogs that had broken free from their home. The incident, shared by a TikTok user, sparked significant online backlash, especially towards households with American Bullies, despite these dogs often being gentle with children.

A video posted by TikTok user @kingjoeceo yesterday depicted the alarming moment when two Thai dogs escaped from a neighbour’s house and charged at the mother and her young son while they were out for a walk.

According to the mother, who identified herself as Fon, the event occurred around 6.50pm while she was cycling with her son. Earlier, she had taken their American Bully, King Joe, for a walk before returning him home and continuing the outing with her child. Suddenly, the two Thai dogs appeared, ignoring her and focusing on her son.

Fon quickly picked up her child,…

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