The PCB industry is vital for the modern economy as it serves as the basic and core component of all electronic devices, including semiconductors.

The PCB industry is vital for the modern economy as it serves as the basic and core component of all electronic devices, including semiconductors. PCBs connect the functions of various components, power grids, and internal circuits of almost all types of electronic devices, especially high-tech products such as electric vehicles, automated robotics, artificial intelligence technology, and 5G technology, which require more complex PCBs than general electronic products.

Overview of the world’s Printed Circuit Board PCB industry

In the past few years, the global PCB industry has faced challenges due to weaker global demand, semiconductor manufacturing supply chain disruptions, and lockdown measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors have led to excess inventory in the system and impacted freight shipments.

However, SCB EIC predicts that the industry will recover this year,…

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