We’re focusing on a growing concern for families across the nation – parental stress. The challenges that parents face could have an impact on both their well-being and kids’ health.

We’re focusing on a growing concern for families across the nation  parental stress. The challenges that parents face could have an impact on both their well-being and kids’ health.

Parental stress, according to the U.S. Surgeon General, are being driven by factors such as the pandemic, economic pressures, and the ongoing demands of raising children.

In fact, nearly 70% of parents have reported feeling overwhelmed, and many are struggling to find support.

I went out to find out how parents are coping with the stress, and asked what advice they had to share for other parents.

“I like to go to the gym and relieve a little stress that way,” Martell W. said.

“Even if you don’t want to change, you have to be willing,” Tyrone Powell Jr., added.

According to the recent report, 33% of parents over a one month period reported high levels of stress, compared to only 20% of other adults. 41% of parents say they’re so stressed most days that they can’t function, and another 48% find stress completely overwhelming, compared to 26% of other adults.

“Things I do for myself is studying the Bible and of course meditating on that,” Martell added.

“We go by the plan. I know what time he has to be at school, then I go to work pick him up at a certain time, we’re eating dinner at a certain time, we go to bed at a certain time,” Shardai Webb said.

“If you raised them right and you have a trust in the Lord, that you have then they will see what they should do,” Cathy Jorgenson said.

“Everyone deserves a second chance. Sometimes a third. Sometimes you shouldn’t give up. don’t give up you shouldn’t give up,” Powell added.

“You don’t have to get angry and yell. Just talk to the kids they understand,” Webb said.

“Learn from your mistakes. Strong responsibility and that what i have shared and passed down to my kids,” Powell said.

“Set boundaries but be at it at a conversation let it be a conversation rather than preach,” Jorgenson said.

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