DEAR DOCTORS: A man I have been dating had a stroke a few weeks ago, and now he has aphasia.

DEAR DOCTORS: A man I have been dating had a stroke a few weeks ago, and now he has aphasia. When I visit him at the rehab, he’s ready for me to leave after a short time. Is this normal? He seems to be happy I’m there, but he dismisses me quickly. I’m trying not to feel hurt.

DEAR READER: A stroke occurs when something prevents blood from reaching the brain. The most common cause is a blockage in the blood vessels that serve the brain. Known as an ischemic stroke, it is often due to the presence of a blood clot, but it also can occur due to a narrowing of the blood vessel itself. In the other major form of stroke, known as a haemorrhagic stroke, a blood vessel develops a tear or completely ruptures.

Any type of stroke deprives the brain of oxygen and nutrients. In a short period of time, brain cells begin to die. This can cause a wide range of symptoms, including…

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