Photo courtesy of KhaoSod
The grandson of a former foreign minister has been acquitted in a criminal case where he allegedly sexually abused a 21 year old Thai actress.

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

The grandson of a former foreign minister has been acquitted in a criminal case where he allegedly sexually abused a 21 year old Thai actress. The court believed that the woman was conscious and aware during the incident.

The Criminal Court scheduled a hearing for the verdict in the sexual offence case number A.2878/2022 today, September 20, in which the Office of the Attorney General 9 was the plaintiff which filed a lawsuit against 36 year old Aphidit Intulaksana, a businessman and grandson of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, for rape and sexually assault.

The prosecutor stated the summary of the charges that between August 9 and 10, 2022, where the defendant allegedly raped and committed indecent acts against 21 year old actress Joy (pseudonym). The defendant gave the victim soju to drink until she was intoxicated, dazed, and unconscious. The…

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