My online banking is for all practical intents and purposes inextricably linked to my “vintage” A32, so I have to keep using it.

My online banking is for all practical intents and purposes inextricably linked to my “vintage” A32, so I have to keep using it. It’s slowly giving up the ghost. It started displaying wonky shit last night and now is unusable. I went to the Samsung Service at Rama9 and they were quite enthusiastic about replacing the screen, however it turns out that Samsung Thailand has not carried spare parts for the A32 since about 1945, so they were unable to help me.

My hope is that some smaller backyard chopshops might still have spare parts (or A32 that can be gutted for spare parts), or anything else that might be welded onto the device. All I need is functionality; the result does not have to have a uniform look, or even be portable. If there is a way to rig it to a computer monitor, I’ll take that too.

Any ideas where I could go for this?

In lieu of that, where could I get the data extracted?

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