A significant figure in Taiwans ongoing corruption scandal has been revealed to owe former junket operator Alvin Chau a staggering NT$6 billion (approximately MOP1.52 billion) in gaming debts, according to Taiwanese media reports. Sheen Ching-Jing, chairman of the Core Pacific Group, was detained at the end of August for his involvement in a redevelopment scandal [] The post Taiwanese businessmans gaming debt to Alvin ChaA significant figure in Taiwans ongoing corruption scandal has been revealed to owe former junket operator Alvin Chau a staggering NT$6 billion (approximately MOP1.52 billion) in gaming debts, according to Taiwanese media reports. Sheen Ching-Jing, chairman of the Core Pacific Group, was detained at the end of August for his involvement in a redevelopment scandal [] The post Taiwanese businessmans gaming debt to Alvin Cha …Read More


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