Has anyone noticed a difference in their skin when in Thailand versus not? I have acne prone, combination skin and while I’ve gotten it under control, I always have at least one or two spots.

Has anyone noticed a difference in their skin when in Thailand versus not? I have acne prone, combination skin and while I’ve gotten it under control, I always have at least one or two spots. My skin cleared up so nicely while I was there despite wearing makeup almost every day and sweating my ass off. I used all the same face products and didn’t do anything new. After a few days back in the states, my skin is pissed off and flaring up in a way I haven’t had in a while.

Perhaps it’s the food? I know palm sugar and sugar cane are used more than white sugar or artificial sugars, and the ingredients in the food I had seemed pretty fresh (basil picked from auntie’s garden, fresh seafood, etc). Or water quality? I’m curious if anyone else has noticed this.

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