I was eating at a restaurant off of Sukhumvit rd. last night and a Chinese couple stroll in and take a seat next to me (I heard them speaking and they were speaking mandarin).

I was eating at a restaurant off of Sukhumvit rd. last night and a Chinese couple stroll in and take a seat next to me (I heard them speaking and they were speaking mandarin). The woman had a drink in a plastic cup with a straw and the man was carrying a plastic bag. I thought this was a little odd, but it got interesting when the man pulls out a can of beer from the plastic bag and opens it. The waitresses were shocked and pretty much instantly told him that he couldn’t consume his drink there (interestingly they seemed to accept the woman’s outside drink). The couple appeared a bit stunned and the guy wandered off with his drink and returned later without it. The couple did end up ordering food.

The waitresses were giggling about this quite a bit afterwards, they seemed quite amused. I’m curious, is it accepted to bring outside drinks to a restaurant in China or anywhere in Asia? Has anyone else seen this happen in Bangkok? This was a somewhat upscale restaurant.

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