NEW ORLEANS — A federal court hearing set for Monday for a man accused of killing a Loranger woman and one of her young daughters has been rescheduled for Dec. 2 so prosecutors and defense lawyers can negotiate what charges might be brought.Daniel Callihan, 36, already faces state court charges in Louisiana and Mississippi. Prosecutors and Callihan’s lawyers say they’re negotiating what accusations should be made formally in federal court.Callihan is accused of killing Callie Brunett, 35, and her daughter Erin, 4. The mother was found dead at her home and the girl was found dead near Jackson, Mississippi. Another daughter was kidnapped and Callihan said she wanted to keep her alive as a sex slave, prosecutors said previously.A co-defendant faces similar accusations.Permalink| Comments

NEW ORLEANS — A federal court hearing set for Monday for a man accused of killing a Loranger woman and one of her young daughters has been rescheduled for Dec. 2 so prosecutors and defense lawyers can negotiate what charges might be brought.

Daniel Callihan, 36, already faces state court charges in Louisiana and Mississippi. Prosecutors and Callihan’s lawyers say they’re negotiating what accusations should be made formally in federal court.

Callihan is accused of killing Callie Brunett, 35, and her daughter Erin, 4. The mother was found dead at her home and the girl was found dead near Jackson, Mississippi. Another daughter was kidnapped and Callihan said she wanted to keep her alive as a sex slave, prosecutors said previously.

A co-defendant faces similar accusations.

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