As a way to save money, more people may be ditching the big box stores for Halloween costumes, instead opting for the homemade kind.

As a way to save money, more people may be ditching the big box stores for Halloween costumes, instead opting for the homemade kind.

Pinching pennies: it’s what many people are doing just to get by right now. So when it comes to Halloween costumes, trick-or-treaters are wondering if they should DIY or buy.

“I just get my pen and paper and I make a sketch and I go from there,” said Melissa Taylor.

Taylor is opting for DIY costumes. For the last eight years, she’s been creating unique get-ups for her son Michael, who uses a wheelchair.

This year Michael wants to be Bear in the Big Blue House.

“How does it make you feel to have a costume that no one else has?” I asked Michael/

“Pretty good!” he replied.

And besides seeing Michael’s big smile, Melissa says the best part is the price.

Normally under 30 dollars, which you cant buy anything that extravagant for 30 dollars,” Melissa said. “Youre not going to get much.”

Several people are on the same page, with many of our viewers posting their homemade creations to Facebook.

Jayms Gould says he likes to DIY his costume as well.

A resale shop like Encore in Southfield.

Manager Scott Kowalski says he sees the demand for second hand costumes.

Even if it isnt a costume, people that are creative can come up with something if they see it, they can replicate it here for a reasonable price,” Kowalski said. “People are struggling with budgets and expenses so, I think they know they can come here and get quality stuff.

But DIY isn’t for everyone.

Liliana Schaeffer says she still enjoys browsing Big Box stores for costumes.

I dont have DIY kind of time,” Schaeffer said. “I buy the separate pieces, kind of make something new, throw things together, make my own kind of thing.

But whatever you decide to do this Halloween…

“Always find a way to be creative and be yourself,” Gould said. “Don’t be afraid to dress up as you want to dress up.”

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