Around 830am, I was taking my clothes to the laundry mat. On the way, I saw a cat on the sidewalk that was in really really bad shape.

Around 830am, I was taking my clothes to the laundry mat. On the way, I saw a cat on the sidewalk that was in really really bad shape. It couldn’t walk and looked like it was in a fight with a dog or something: its face was missing flesh, large wound behind the ear and head; wounds on the back and legs. While the laundry is running, I called to see what to do. They said to email them pictures.

So I went back to where I last saw the cat. I found it under a food stall in front of someone’s shop. There was kibble next to it. There was a woman manning the stall. I got down and took a couple of photos. The woman watched me with a weird look, so I wrote in Google translate that I will take the cat the hospital and will pay.

When I showed her this message, she called a young man from inside the house and said something to him. He came out and spoke English to me, and said there is a clinic nearby and we can go together on his scooter. He wraps the cat in a towel into a crate I hold and we go.

So we ride to the clinic, but it doesn’t open until 10Am. I told him I already called soidog org for advice, and he says he’ll also call to see. So he calls and starts taking and sending them pictures. He said his name is Mun? I told him I will wait and he can get back to his shop. We exchange contacts and he says he will call if tells him anything.

He comes back about 20 minutes later, with his younger brother (Chai?). Says the younger brother will wait with me. We wait and the clinic opens. The doctor has Chai fill out some paper as best as he could. Doctor speaks to him in Thai at length and the brother tries to convey the content to me but us having difficulty. So the doctor speaks English to me. Says the overall treatment will 3 to 6 months and someone needs care for it daily. I said I’m here a for few days and don’t want to burden the family. I agree to start antibiotic/antifungal treatment for now.

I mentioned that the cat is in really bad shape and showed this the translation for euthanasia. He said he doesn’t do euthanasia for complicated reason. From reading previous reddit posts, I said I understood (has to do this karma). I asked for a clinic/hospital that would, but he said he doesn’t know and that most don’t in Thailand. But then he said he will start the examination and will do euthanasia if the condition is really bad.

He takes the cat into the room, comes out and says the cat is really bad and will do it. The younger brother Chai and I wait, and Mun also came to check on us then returned to shop. Maybe 1hr passes (I lost track of time at this point), the doctor comes out and says it’s done.

Since he doesn’t do euthanasia, he didn’t have enough of the cardiac drug and had to use more anesthesia meds to help put it to sleep. Which was why it took longer. I bowed and thanked him.

My gratitude to the brothers for helping me, and to the compassionate doctor.

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