I sold off-season durians to people in my village and gained many customers, which means I built credibility.

I sold off-season durians to people in my village and gained many customers, which means I built credibility. A couple pre-ordered 6 durians (1.5 kilos), and I delivered them on time. I already told them that they needed to wait 2 days for the durians to ripen. However, his wife posted an accusation in the online village group chat, claiming I sold them unripe durians. I asked them how many durians they had cut open, and they said 5, but only 3 were ripe. To resolve the issue, I sent them 2 durians as an apology.

After that, the husband posted again in the group chat, accusing me of giving them durians that were underweight by 1 kilo.

In fact, durians naturally lose weight as they dehydrate after being cut.

I explained this fact, but the man keeps calling me a ‘scammer’ in the group chat whenever I post to sell my fruits.

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