Some years ago, I worked for a really wonderful woman from Hong Kong who on a trip home to see family, returned with the most incredible silk scarf as a thank you for maintaining the business while she was away.

Some years ago, I worked for a really wonderful woman from Hong Kong who on a trip home to see family, returned with the most incredible silk scarf as a thank you for maintaining the business while she was away. Sadly my wife accidentally lost it while on a trip to see her family.

Obviously these places are over a thousand miles and several countries and cultures away, however I’m not often in the part of the world where I might be able to find a large silk scarf..

I genuinely mourn the loss of this scarf like it was a child, I’ve never felt as comfortable or secure as when I had one (due to losing my parents at the time and this being the first kind act I’d received)

Basically. I would adore another scarf that felt even 1/10th as wonderful as that one and I’d like to buy a couple for close friends and family, google has been deeply unhelpfully while I’ve looked.

If anyone could give me even a nudge in the right direction, it would bring back a small part of my soul that is missing.

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