There are jokes about the cycle of what happens to people who come here, then move here; everything goes from new and novel to dealing with the sometimes frustrating realities of living in another country with a very different way of doing things.

There are jokes about the cycle of what happens to people who come here, then move here; everything goes from new and novel to dealing with the sometimes frustrating realities of living in another country with a very different way of doing things. We become disillusioned and annoyed. We become much more critical. Then, with time we come almost full circle back to a growth in joy and appreciation for this place, the people and life here.

I’ve had a few of these cycles over the last 6 years, but they’ve come much more slowly. The time spent annoyed or whatever has gotten shorter and less intense each time and now… I’ve fallen in love with Thailand all over again. And its not the disillusioned wonder of a new arrival, but a true respect and appreciation for all I’ve enjoyed and continue to enjoy about living here.

Anyone else? I’d love to read your stories.

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