Better said: Do Thais ever eat a dish that isn’t identifiably a Thai dish?
I cook almost every day, and usually bring food into work.

Better said: Do Thais ever eat a dish that isn’t identifiably a Thai dish?

I cook almost every day, and usually bring food into work. Thais are always curious “what’s the menu?” or “what dish is this?” and it dawned on me that in the west, with our uncultured cuisine, we often just cook “whatever.” Meat, vegetables..some potato or carbs for example.

Thais on the other hand seem to always cook or eat an identifiable dish. Even an egg for breakfast: westerners would just scramble them up, Thais would go for a “kai dao” type dish, cooking the egg a certain way, laying it over rice.

What’s the Thai version of just a “whatever is in the fridge” meal? 😆

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