One story after another
Police in Nakhon Pathom suspect that plain robbery lies behind a brutal murder in which a woman stabbed to death her half-brother, rather than sibling rivalry as the suspect claims.

One story after another

Police in Nakhon Pathom suspect that plain robbery lies behind a brutal murder in which a woman stabbed to death her half-brother, rather than sibling rivalry as the suspect claims.

Kanlayakorn Renunaem

Muang police nabbed Kanlayakorn Renunaem, 28, for stabbing to death her younger brother Kanchit, 23, who runs a Chinese banquet service, after luring him from his family home.

She also stole a necklace worth three baht in gold weight and two buddha amulets from her dying brother before fleeing the scene to a motel in Uthai, Ayutthaya.

Ms Kanlayakorn said she killed her brother out of pique, that their father loved him more than her (they were born to the same father but different mothers), though she also admits she was in debt and robbery played a part.

She said she called her brother to a spot on the road close to his family home to “clear…

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