Abdulloh Daengdaman, a nine-year-old student at Ban Talo Star School in tambon Raman, Yala, faces challenges that many of his peers might not fully grasp.

Abdulloh Daengdaman, a nine-year-old student at Ban Talo Star School in tambon Raman, Yala, faces challenges that many of his peers might not fully grasp. The fourth-grader’s struggle is not just with studies, but also with the lingering impact of a devastating flood that swept through Thailand’s southern provinces late last year.

“When the school reopened after the flood, I didn’t want to go back,” Abdulloh says flatly, his attempt to mask his discomfort evident despite a calm demeanour. In fact, he skipped school because he lacked a uniform. The floods, the worst the region has seen in decades, not only submerged homes and schools but also washed away countless personal belongings, including Abdulloh’s uniforms.

Last December, severe rains resulted in widespread flooding that left homes submerged and infrastructure in disrepair. For Abdulloh and his family, this…

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