This week, the Senate is considering a bill to fund the military for the next year.

NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — This week, the Senate is considering a bill to fund the military for the next year.

And Senator Kevin Cramer says some of that money will help bolster military bases and ongoing missions in North Dakota.

The National Defense Authorization Act was approved in committee last week and will soon be voted on the Senate floor. The funding bill includes just over $923 billion.

Among the line items, military members would receive a 4.5% pay raise.

Things to do around town: June 17-23

For the Minot Air Force Base, the act would Provide $3.7 billion for Sentinel Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and would require Minot to maintain at least 400 of the missiles. It would also restore the nuclear capabilities of the entire B-52 bomber fleet.

“Look, the world’s a dangerous place and we are in desperate need of President Reagan’s peace through strength type of leadership. Today’s global threats are not constrained by budget caps and neither should our response to them be. The increased investment into critical defense programs is an important step in meeting the threats we face,” Sen. Cramer said.

Under the proposed funding, the North Dakota National Guard in Bismarck would also receive $10 million to sustain its UH-72 Lakota Helicopters.

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