Officers served a search warrant at the home on El Cajon Boulevard Thursday and seized 23 gambling machines, drugs and more than $4,700 in cash

San Diego police raided an illicit gambling parlor operating out of a home in Kensington Thursday night, authorities said.

Police began investigating the residence, above a business on El Cajon Boulevard near 43rd Street, after being tipped to potential illegal activity, police said.

On Thursday, officers served a search warrant at the home and seized 23 gambling machines, drugs and more than $4,700 in cash, Lt. Jason Scott said.

Nine people were inside gambling at the time. Police issued two misdemeanor citations — one for drug possession and another for visiting a prohibited gambling den.

Police have been cracking down on a proliferation of illicit gambling parlors in recent years, including an investigation led by the FBI’s Violent Crimes Task Force-Gang Group that ended in 47 people charged in a series of federal indictments in 2021.

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