The persecution watchdog International Christian Concern has officially requested the U.S. government to impose sanctions on several Azerbaijani officials accused of torturing Armenian Christians. The request, based on findings from its investigation, invokes the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which targets individuals implicated in human rights abuses by freezing their assets and banning their travel to the West. #Persecution #InternationalChristianConcern #USSanctions #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Torture #ArmenianChristians #Investigation #MagnitskyAct #NagornoKarabakhThe persecution watchdog International Christian Concern has officially requested the U.S. government to impose sanctions on several Azerbaijani officials accused of torturing Armenian Christians. The request, based on findings from its investigation, invokes the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, which targets individuals implicated in human rights abuses by freezing their assets and banning their travel to the West. #Persecution #InternationalChristianConcern #USSanctions #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Torture #ArmenianChristians #Investigation #MagnitskyAct #NagornoKarabakh …Read More


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