Speaking during a town hall Wednesday, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said that humanity could be headed for another world war under the policies of the Biden-Harris administration and reiterated his vow to undertake the “largest deportation” in the history of the United States if reelected.  #Trump #immigration #WorldWarIII #townhall #GOP #election #president #Hannity #FoxNews #ApalacheeHighSchool #schoolshooting #Oct7 #Israel #Hamas #Iran #Russia #UkraineSpeaking during a town hall Wednesday, Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump said that humanity could be headed for another world war under the policies of the Biden-Harris administration and reiterated his vow to undertake the “largest deportation” in the history of the United States if reelected.  #Trump #immigration #WorldWarIII #townhall #GOP #election #president #Hannity #FoxNews #ApalacheeHighSchool #schoolshooting #Oct7 #Israel #Hamas #Iran #Russia #Ukraine …Read More


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