Photo from screenshot of TikTok video @froginahatgirl
We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing online shopping experiences but this one takes the biscuit—or should we say, croissant.

Photo from screenshot of TikTok video @froginahatgirl

We’ve all had our fair share of disappointing online shopping experiences but this one takes the biscuit—or should we say, croissant.

TikTok user Neta Murphy, with the handle @froginahatgirl, got more than she bargained for when her much-anticipated parcel from Chinese e-commerce company Temu arrived. Instead of the quirky croissant lamp she ordered, she unwrapped what turned out to be a very real, very edible pastry—complete with an army of ants.

“I came home from work after a hot day and there were like, hundreds of ants underneath it.”

Murphy’s TikTok video has now racked up a staggering 1.2 million views.

“I was like, ‘Why the f*** would ants want a fake croissant?’”

Her initial shock led her to investigate further. After poking at the “lamp,” she noticed crumbs falling out, confirming her…

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