“Parallel” shots along the way. The process of “procedure” of the “full power” of the “Ing 1 government” in which “Prime Minister Ing” will enter the Government House according to the Dragon’s auspicious time (September 13) and the “ministers” will enter the ministry to continue to govern the country.




“Parallel” shots along the way. The process of “procedure” of the “full power” of the “Ing 1 government” in which “Prime Minister Ing” will enter the Government House according to the Dragon’s auspicious time (September 13) and the “ministers” will enter the ministry to continue to govern the country. The remaining step is that the government must “announce its policy to the parliament” on the day after tomorrow, September 12-13.

Although it is considered fast in the “transition” of the government, it is not fast enough for the people, not only the people who are waiting to receive the “10,000 baht” handout from the flagship “Digital Wallet” project that was extended from the “Sathit government” that was ruined by the “40 senators” who proposed for the “Constitutional Court” to remove them from their positions due to the “serious ethical violation” of appointing “Lawyer Thung Khanom-Pichit” as a “minister” to the point that the “Ing government” had to “beat the drum” to lead the way in advance with a cash handout program of 10,000 baht to 14 million vulnerable people, similar to “Ing” who came and got money to work immediately, handing it out within this month under the 2024 budget with a “deadline” at the end of September. Similarly, it is the same for everyone who is not fast enough waiting for the “young lady government” or the “young master” of the “big boss” who does not dominate to come and work with full power so that they can “hit” with full force, like the “singers” of many labels who “disbanded” and scattered for quite some time at the end. “Uncle Tu’s government”, whether it is “Ruangkrai”, “Sonthinya”, “Phi Sri” and many others, not including the “anonymous singer” who is expected to be from the “Ban Pa camp” as well who have returned to “join the special task force” again in “setting up a united Kathin fund” to “complaint” both “big and small matters” from people in the “young lady government”, from the “occupant” who used to live on the “14th floor”, “Prime Minister Ms. Ing” to the “Pheu Thai ministers” or “government coalition parties” who may have tripped over their own feet, like today “Ruangkrai”, a singer from the Ban Pa Roi Tor camp who has already made 9 “attricks”, even though “Prime Minister Ms. Ing” the other day had to come out and beg for some pity, since in the past she has never had a case, now that she has come to this point and has a case, she will try to handle it as best she can and really doesn’t want to have a case, her child is still small… Have some pity for the Prime Minister, don’t sue him too much, he is the youngest Prime Minister in history and he is determined to work to the fullest…but “Ruangkrai” doesn’t feel pity. The latest today is that she went to file a complaint with the NACC about Prime Minister Yingluck making a “mini-heart” gesture while waiting for the cabinet to take a group photo, asking whether she violated the ethical standards, Section 17, Section 21, and Section 27, paragraph two, and whether she must be sent to the Supreme Court for a ruling according to Section 235, paragraph one (1) of the Constitution or not, and whether her right to run for election will be revoked forever according to Section 235, paragraph four or not. Not only that, today, “Dr. Warong” who is “fighting swords” with “Commander Nas” also revealed that tomorrow (September 11) at 11:00 a.m., he will file a complaint against “Big Boss” Thaksin for “dominating the Pheu Thai Party” and Pheu Thai Party consenting to the dominance with the EC. Before this, “Dr. Warong” tried his hand at posting on FB to warn “Mr. Prime Minister Yingluck” that “I want to tell “Madam Pae” (Paethongtarn) that if you don’t want anyone to sue you, you have to tell your father that the country has laws and must respect the law. Anyone who can act above the law will act above the people, no different from a dictator. Therefore, do not break the law. The same goes for the “famous singer” like “Srisuwan”, the leader of the organization that loves the nation and the country, who has news that he is gathering information and evidence to file a complaint against “Prime Minister Yingluck” for “violating ethics” from now on as well. It can be called a “strong signal” from the “singers” who are heating up all issues at the same time, both in the present and the past, without waiting for the “egg-laying” or “honeymoon” of the “young lady government”, combined with the “signaling” of the mob ready to take to the streets of the “PDRC group” the day before, when they had an appointment to gather on the first cabinet meeting day (September 17). In terms of “political” strategy, it is considered a “half-baked moment” with the “transitional government” of “Prime Minister Yingluck” who is preparing to release the “promotional giveaway” gimmick. “Buying the hearts” of the people immediately, not including the “next moves” of another 14 moves in solving the economic problem, which have “guidelines” and are constantly being evaluated by the “big boss” who may be used to “balance” with the “backlash” like “Prime Minister Yingluck” who used a request for sympathy to fight until “Ajarn Seri Wongmontha” who is an expert in marketing and communication had to come out and “tug” at the “singer”, a close friend, via FB, along the lines of not to complain about every issue until it becomes a mess and clearly asks for legal action because if complaining about every issue too petty, it will lose credibility and the image of the singer will be damaged. Don’t complain until people feel sorry for the young lady who is asking for sympathy because she is young. Don’t sue. Don’t complain about her too much. Be careful that your request will be fruitful.

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