Government policy statement “Prits” summarizes the opposition debate, asks to keep an eye on the administration and policies. “Sutin” speaks in closing, gives the government support, sees the rhetoric as colorful.

Government policy statement “Prits” summarizes the opposition debate, asks to keep an eye on the administration and policies. “Sutin” speaks in closing, gives the government support, sees the rhetoric as colorful. “Phumtham” is the government representative, thanks them before the chairman orders the meeting to be closed.

At 23.42 on September 13, 2024, Mr. Pris Wacharasindhu, MP for the Prachachon Party, concluded that even though the Prime Minister changed people, he did not change parties. Even though the ministers changed their names, they did not change their surnames. He then went on to talk about the homework of the government of Mr. Settha Thavisin, the former Prime Minister, 1 year ago, starting with the digital wallet project. He did not see that he could ignite even a single issue because he was obsessed with the policy and kept talking back and forth. Until today, not even a single baht has been distributed. The people are not sure whether everyone will actually receive the digital money. But the government has already accepted that the first lump sum will be paid in cash.

As for the energy policy that would reduce prices, it was reduced in the short term, but now it has all bounced back. At one point, the President of the Parliament said to brake and say that we should enter the government of Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, the Prime Minister. Mr. Parit continued on the topic of tourism that Mr. Settha was working hard in the wrong places, reflecting his failure, not being successful in attracting tourists to new provinces. Including pushing for a new constitution, it is still stuck at the referendum, like coming back to the same point.

If we compare the policies of the government of Mr. Settha and the government of Ms. Paethongtarn, it seems that they are not fully thought out and go back and forth. The first issue is the digital wallet. Without the word 10,000 baht, handing out cash cannot be called a digital wallet. And will those who are not vulnerable groups receive the money or not? Meanwhile, the policy on the minimum wage has been diluted. It is not in the current government’s policy. And many policies are dishonest, but use the people as a front. I still don’t see much hope in the next 3 years. Will the people be able to put their hopes in the Prime Minister?

He also stated that this cabinet is at risk of becoming a hostage cabinet and will encounter obstacles in structural reform. The current prime minister is surrounded by legal warfare, which he and the People’s Party do not agree with. Today, the prime minister is standing at a crossroads where the old power network hopes to use him as a tool to eliminate new threats. However, in the future, he believes that the old power will not keep the old threat either. If today he is ready to turn his back on the old power, run to the people, and cooperate with the People’s Party on some occasions, reform the political structure to be a normal democracy, allowing the power that comes from elections to be above the power that comes from appointments. He believes that even though they have different opinions on many issues, they will overcome the old power and legal warfare so that the country can proceed according to the democratic system. They will move forward to balance each other in the parliament and in the voting booth, taking turns being the government and the opposition, not being enemies, and political stability. Thailand will have a place on the world stage, and the country and the people will only gain.

“Your time to make a decision is limited. The patience of our people is limited. I believe that in the next 3 years, you will face many situations that you will have to decide for all of us. Will you make the future a future where power is stable but the people are in ruins? Or a future where power changes and the country changes? As the core opposition party, we, the People’s Party, will be waiting and examining every step and every decision you make. I can only hope that you will make every decision without letting anyone’s personal interests trump the collective interests of the country and all of our people.”

Later at 00.27 on September 14, 2024, Pol. Col. Thawee Sodsong, Minister of Justice, explained that the government must serve the people, as if it were branded and devalued by the person who summarized it. But it doesn’t matter. It’s just a constructive speech. Then he talked about the failure of drug suppression. We must understand so that there is no misunderstanding. In the past year, Mr. Settha’s government has been serious about suppressing drugs. He admitted that drug production is not produced in Thailand. But it comes from the Golden Triangle, which has high production potential. But he believes that we have cooperation with ASEAN countries. The government dares to issue an arrest warrant for a Wa colonel. As for the cheap price, the amount of methamphetamine has been reduced.

As for the issue of selling electricity to neighboring countries, which is claimed to facilitate drug production, we have assigned them to take action, including filing a lawsuit against the Provincial Electricity Authority. The discussions are beneficial, so we will accept them and we will raise the level of cyber security. Mr. Rangsiman Rome, a party-list MP for the Prachachon Party, stated that the issue of power cuts is an urgent issue, and Thailand has the right to cut off the electricity. He also wanted a letter to the Attorney General asking him to inquire about the progress.

At 00.38, the last person to enter the debate was Mr. Sutin Khlangsaeng, Mahasarakham MP, Pheu Thai Party, former Minister of Defense, who said that after examining the government’s policies, they were in line with the constitution and national strategy. Then, we have to see if the country’s problems can be solved by looking at the 9 challenges. Today, Ms. Paethongtarn’s government has solved the country’s problems in line with the people, whose representatives are MPs. This means that the first button has been buttoned correctly. Then, we will see if the solutions are correct, which are the 10 urgent policies. He sees that each policy is clear and answers the questions. As for the digital wallet, we have to look at it from another perspective, that the reason it was slow was because we respected opinions and criticisms. We adjusted it until it changed its appearance. If we don’t want it to be overthrown, we have to do it carefully. Some policies are written much clearer than the previous government.

Initial investigations show that the government has a clear understanding of the problem. Many people have asked for plans and projects, but policies must be written in broad terms. Overall, 80% of the government and representatives of the people have the same view. As for 20%, plans were mentioned. The next question for fellow members is whether it will be successful or not, but it is not a matter for this agenda. Objections are good. Additions can be made to make it complete. I would like to tell the government not to lose heart. Many ideas are reasonable and worth listening to, but some suggestions may be mixed with political interests. This is considered charming. Some suggestions may not have experience in governing the country, so do not lose heart.

Mr. Suthin continued that it is not wrong to be concerned about whether the Cabinet will be able to push through or not. If it is not able to, if it is not good, we will submit a motion of no confidence. Some things are concerning, some things are rhetoric, so there must be some. For things that are not, we do not have to think about them. Society can see that the establishment of the government that day gave whoever had a chance first. They gave an opportunity but did not get it. The people gave it like this. Let’s do the best according to the limitations. Everyone wants a single-party government. But please think that it is established in parliament, not in a military camp. If we do not establish it, there will be no government, how will we come today? Will the people’s problems be more severe?

On the issue of decision-making power, is there someone behind the scenes manipulating the rhetoric of possession and dominance? Please think about whether it would be good to have an administrative organization with an advisory board and experienced people who are experienced in administering the country. If I were the prime minister and had 4-5 former prime ministers as advisors, I would raise my hands in awe. Why not think positively? Please look at the path and results of administering the country. Over the past 2 days, the parliament has created value. I believe that the government will not sit idly by and take it as homework. I believe that the debate has an effect on the government. All ministers give importance to the debate of their fellow members and it will be beneficial to this government. I would like to encourage the government.

At 01.05, Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, as a representative of the government, said that he was grateful for the cabinet’s policy statement, not for the no-confidence debate. He thanked them for participating in the debate throughout the 2 days, expressing their opinions on the policies. The Prime Minister and the ministers listened to the opinions of the opposition MPs, the government MPs, and the Senate, all of which were beneficial to the administration of the country. Even though the debates sometimes strayed from reality, they would use their opinions to separate and find the best way for the country, and to consider and drive forward.

The overall policy announced by the government is to improve people’s lives, further develop, increase the country’s competitive potential, and lay the foundation for the future. At the same time, the government would like to assure that implementing the policies announced to the parliament will help create equal opportunities for Thai people to eat, spend, have honor and dignity, and provide maximum benefits to our fellow citizens, which is the highest goal according to the hopes of the government and all honorable members of parliament. The president of the parliament then closed the meeting at 1:10 a.m.

(Photo: Thanat Chaiyaphatthrithi)


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