I remember when I went to Thailand ten years ago, I often took tuk-tuks to various places, and it was a very interesting experience.

I remember when I went to Thailand ten years ago, I often took tuk-tuks to various places, and it was a very interesting experience. But when I went back this year, I found that many people were saying that tuk-tuks were heavily overcharging tourists and had become a very expensive way to travel. So this time, I didn’t dare take a tuk-tuk at all and only used Grab. Of course, ten years ago, Uber wasn’t as convenient as it is today. So, is this a result of market forces? Because fewer people are taking tuk-tuks, the drivers feel they have to overcharge whenever they get the chance since their business isn’t as thriving as before? Maybe they only get a few rides a day, and if they don’t do this, they might have to change jobs?

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