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A Thai man’s online query about the unusual practice of lighting cigarettes instead of incense sticks at funerals ignited a spirited discussion among netizens.

Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

A Thai man’s online query about the unusual practice of lighting cigarettes instead of incense sticks at funerals ignited a spirited discussion among netizens. On Monday, September 16, an anonymous user on the Facebook page Knowledge Around posed the question: “What does lighting cigarettes instead of incense at a funeral signify?”

The post quickly went viral, attracting a flurry of likes and comments. Most responses pointed to a common belief: the practice is often reserved for deceased smokers as a mark of respect, symbolising a final gesture to accompany them to the afterlife.

“Thailand has a mixed culture. Lighting cigarettes at funerals where the deceased was a smoker is akin to pouring alcohol on graves in Japanese or Western traditions.”

“It’s a way to honour the deceased in a manner that aligns with their personal beliefs….

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