“Pichai” books a billboard in the middle of London to promote Thai products and services, pushing forward to build the Thailand brand

“Pichai” books a billboard in the middle of London to promote Thai products and services, pushing forward to build the Thailand brand

Mr. Pichai Naripthaphan, Minister of Commerce, revealed after chairing the launch of Thailand Branding “Think Thailand Next Level” to promote the image of Thai products and service businesses on a large billboard in Piccadilly Circus that the Ministry of Commerce, through the Department of International Trade Promotion, organized this activity with the aim of elevating the image of Thai products and service businesses to be known by promoting at Piccadilly Circus, a public area, a center and meeting point in the heart of London, reaching tourists from around the world, residents and business people in the target area, approximately 2.08 million people per week, including public relations on buses providing services in London, reaching approximately 2.5 million tourists, residents and business people per month. “The United Kingdom is one of the 10 strategic markets of the Thai government in elevating the image and brand of Thai products abroad. It is an important trading partner of Thailand and London is considered the capital of Europe, especially the customer base that uses English to communicate. Organizing this activity will help stimulate British consumers and tourists to be more aware and remember the image of Thai products and service businesses,” said Mr. Pichai. Reporters reported that In organizing this event, Mr. Pichai, executives of the Ministry of Commerce, along with influencers and local journalists, boarded the open-top London Routemaster Bus from Selfridges to Piccadilly Light to promote Thailand’s image, Think Thailand Next Level, which received a lot of attention from the public and tourists, and they are confident that the goal of raising the image of Thai products and services will be achieved as planned.








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