What was supposed to be a night filled of fun turned into a night of panic when kids started running out of the school because they thought they heard gunshots.

In light of what happened on Saturday, classes and all events have been canceled at Warren Mott High School on Monday.

School district officials says they wants students to take time to process what occurred.

Honestly, it was like really scary, said Mackenzie Forrester.

Mackenzie Forrester is a10th grader at Warren Mott High School.

She was one of the many students at the schools homecoming dance on Saturday night.

What was supposed to be a night filled of fun turned into a night of panic when kids started running out of the school because they thought they heard gunshots.

As soon as Im out the door, I get on the phone and I call my grandma, Im crying almost at that point, said Forrester.

According to Warren Police, those supposed gunshots noises people heard were actually balloons popping.

When I see the horror on those kids faces, I couldnt believe it, said Forrester. I couldnt believe they were balloons.

This is the second time students at Mott have dealt with a frightening situation that turned out to be a false alarm

Earlier this month, the schools lockdown system went off accidentally sending kids running out of the school.

Parents like Melissa Gordon say they got frantic calls from their kids saying how scared they were. Gordon says Saturday was very similar.

This is the second situation in less than three weeks both being false alarms, but nonetheless, it still impacts them in ways that we have to pick these pieces up, I held my daughter today who cried for hours, said Gordon.

On Sunday, Gordon and other parents along with students gathered at the high school to pray for it.

Kori Glentzer is the one of the parents who organized the prayer circle.

Bring some peace and courage to these kids and strength because frankly theyre just scared, said Glentzer.

Meanwhile for Mackenzie Forrester, she says her focus is to stay safe during these scary situations.

I treat it like its the real thing every single time, I mean Im just not going to risk it, Forrester added.

School district officials say,

When students return to school on Tuesday, there will be adults they can with along with resources to help them.

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