The Student Loan Fund clarified the case of the local government organization employee who was sued for asset seizure, revealing that the lawsuit was filed since 2014, and the statute of limitations for enforcement would expire, so a warrant for impersonation was requested.

The Student Loan Fund clarified the case of the local government organization employee who was sued for asset seizure, revealing that the lawsuit was filed since 2014, and the statute of limitations for enforcement would expire, so a warrant for impersonation was requested. It confirmed that the assets had not been seized, only the debt restructuring was requested, allowing another 15 years of installments, a 100% reduction in fines, the release of guarantors, and the assets would definitely not be seized.

On September 23, 2024, Mr. Chainarong Kachpanan, Manager of the Student Loan Fund (SLF), revealed that from the case where the media received a complaint from a borrower in Buriram Province, working at a sub-district administrative organization, was ordered by the court to seize assets to pay off the SLF debt, even though 1,200 baht was deducted from his salary between 2019 and 2023, totaling 61,200 baht. (Read the news: Subdistrict Administrative Organization girl is worried about the Student Loan Fund deducting her salary every month, suddenly being sued for asset seizure)

The Fund has investigated and found that the borrower has been prosecuted since 2014, having previously agreed to follow the settlement agreement to pay in 108 installments, starting from the installment on August 5, 2014 – July 5, 2023. Later, the Fund sent a letter informing the borrower of the deduction of the salary according to the settlement agreement from July 2019 onwards.

However, since the statute of limitations for enforcement is about to expire, the fund has stopped deducting salaries and has notified the borrower to contact for debt restructuring, but the borrower has not contacted back. Therefore, the fund must prepare for enforcement to avoid the statute of limitations. The letter that the borrower received is only a warrant of title. The fund has not seized any assets.

In the past, the fund has carried out a recalculation of debt for this borrower. Previously, the borrower had a remaining debt of approximately 120,000 baht. After recalculating the debt, the remaining debt is approximately 60,000 baht. The borrower can check the debt burden on the website. In addition, the borrower has the right to enter into a debt restructuring agreement to extend the monthly repayment period to the fund for another 15 years.

When the final installment is paid, the Fund will provide a 100% discount on all previously suspended fines and immediately release the guarantor after entering into the debt restructuring agreement. If this borrower wishes to restructure the debt, the Fund will use this newly calculated debt amount to enter into the debt restructuring agreement.

In this regard, if any borrower is in the process of legal proceedings/enforcement, please contact for debt restructuring, which will allow the borrower to return to normal debt repayment. The money that the borrower repays to the fund will be a revolving fund to pass on educational opportunities to students and juniors.


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