Governor Healey held a signing ceremony for an act criminalizing sexual assault by a medical professional on Monday afternoon.

BOSTON (WWLP) – Governor Healey held a signing ceremony for an act criminalizing sexual assault by a medical professional on Monday afternoon.

This law, which takes effect in early November, ensures that the state can prosecute healthcare professionals and clergy members who influence vulnerable people to engage in any sort of sexual activity under the guise of it being a part of their treatment or counseling.

Governor Healey spoke about the importance of involving victim’s voices in writing policies like the new law.  

“Our laws and our policies are stronger because you are the ones really informing that work,” said the governor. The legislation closes a previous loophole in the law by eliminating lack of consent as one of the requirements of a sexual assault prosecution in cases where the perpetrator misrepresented sexual contact as part of a treatment plan.

The Middlesex District Attorney spoke at the signing about how this loophole had affected her district before this law was signed. “And once that trust is violated and then they came to us, who they have a right to trust as well, we said sorry, we’re not able to help you. And this bill changes this,” said District Attorney Marian Ryan.

The District Attorney pointed to the Larry Nassar case as proof that this legislation is needed. Under the new law, perpetrators face up to 20 years in state prison, and their victims are permitted to testify in future parole hearings.

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