Ruling party defends bid to alter charter
Chousak: A need for ‘clear guidelines’
PM’s Office Minister Chousak Sirinil on Monday downplayed criticism about a Pheu Thai Party-sponsored charter amendment proposal involving ethical standards for political postholders, saying it would not undermine the charter’s fundamental principles against corruption.

Ruling party defends bid to alter charter

Chousak: A need for ‘clear guidelines’

PM’s Office Minister Chousak Sirinil on Monday downplayed criticism about a Pheu Thai Party-sponsored charter amendment proposal involving ethical standards for political postholders, saying it would not undermine the charter’s fundamental principles against corruption.

The ruling party’s proposal to revise the charter section by section covers six issues, including ethics for cabinet ministers who, under Section 160 of the charter, must be evidently honest and must not have committed any…

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