I’ve been browsing this sub for a few days and wanted to get some insight on my upcoming trip in December.

I’ve been browsing this sub for a few days and wanted to get some insight on my upcoming trip in December. I will have two weeks in Thailand; specifically, I will fly in on the 7th and fly out on the 22nd. As of now I have Bangkok planned with 5 full days (Dec 7-13), then Chiang Mai for 3.5 days (Dec 13-17), and finally either Krabi or Phuket for 3 full days (Dec 17-21). I’ll fly back to Bangkok on the 21st and stay near the airport to catch my flight the next morning. Does the amount of time I have allocated to each place seem sufficient? I am wondering if I am not giving enough time to Phuket/Krabi (depending on which one I choose); if so, I was considering just focusing on Bangkok and Chiang Mai. If you were a first time traveler to Thailand, how would you structure a two-week itinerary? Am I trying to cram too much in? I’d appreciate any thoughts or advice.

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