Few days ago we come across a police stop with our rental motorbike around Patong beach. These cops didnt have any cars or bikes around parked etc.

Few days ago we come across a police stop with our rental motorbike around Patong beach. These cops didnt have any cars or bikes around parked etc. they were just checking all tourists driving bikes; some of them ran too. After pulling up an officer write me a ticket (1000baht) for not having my drivers license on me (fair enough) and told me to park my bike here, go pay the ticket, then I can take the bike back. He didnt even check our passports or nothing, handed me the 1k ticket with my misspelled name, and explained me where to pay, then let me go without taking the key of the bike too. First we walked the other way he described because I needed to take my card from hotel. When we arrived had a little chat with our hosts and they told us something like “dont worry, police is bad here, they just want money.” After withdrawing some cash we walked the same way we came to pay the ticket in the police station, while we passing the street where they take our bike, we see our bike just standing there. All the cops gone, they didn’t towed the bike or anything. So us thinking it was a scam attempt, we just jumped on the bike and rode off. After we gave back the bike we rented to the place , had no problems. Any ideas what happened here? Do i need to pay this ticket, or what will happen? Im not on vacation im a backpacker so i just need that money for everything.

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