In this four-part series, psychiatrist Dr Joseph Leong shares ways in which leaders can help an insecure employee boost their confidence

From the colleague who likes to tell self-deprecating jokes to the teammate who constantly second-guesses themselves, many of us know that one person in the workplace who seems to be undervaluing themselves.

In this four-part series, psychiatrist Dr Joseph Leong shares ways in which leaders can help an insecure employee boost their confidence

From the colleague who likes to tell self-deprecating jokes to the teammate who constantly second-guesses themselves, many of us know that one person in the workplace who seems to be undervaluing themselves. It could be a sign of insecurity or a lack of self-confidence—and at work, this could affect how well they perform. Some signs of low self-esteem are easier to pick up, others not so. 

In part three of a four-part series, we speak with psychiatrist Dr Joseph Leong about how leaders can learn the signs and provide the support needed to boost an employee’s confidence. Dr Leong is a senior consultant psychiatrist of Clinic Services at Promises Healthcare, which provides a wide range of psychiatric and psychological services for…

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