Sukhothai: Strong water currents in the Yom River destroy wooden houses. Gone with the water in the blink of an eye.

Sukhothai: Strong water currents in the Yom River destroy wooden houses. Gone with the water in the blink of an eye.

From the flood situation in Sukhothai Province in many areas Currently experiencing flooding problems, most recently at 5:00 p.m. on September 27, 2024 at Village No. 6, Tha Thong Subdistrict, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province. There is a house next to the channel where the Yom River barrier is broken. and there is a strong current flowing It flowed into the house and eroded the soil under the house until Such a house Wavered by the current

The officials had to rush to evacuate the people living in the house safely until the house was unable to withstand the force of the water in the Yom River. Therefore, the house was washed away by the current. Collapsed into the water in the blink of an eye. and was swallowed up by the Yom River. The name of the owner is known to be Mr. Wattana Sittichok, 45 years old, living at house number 48/1, Village No. 6, Tha Thong, Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province, living alone. The officials have provided assistance and evacuated the said victims to live at the Wat Tha Thong Fang Phing Center.

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