Want to make this clear this is about friends, not relationships haha.
So ive been in Thailand for around 4-5 years so far, spend the first 3 years in bangkok, spent the rest more or less traveling around Thailand.

Want to make this clear this is about friends, not relationships haha.

So ive been in Thailand for around 4-5 years so far, spend the first 3 years in bangkok, spent the rest more or less traveling around Thailand.

My 3 years in bangkok i met so many people i would consider friends, even good friends. However they’re all at least 10 years older than me. Honestly its not a big deal, but i do think about it sometimes and i would really love some friends that are close to my age, people i could fully relate with and shit like that.

Ive tried so many different ways like, sports, meetups, bars (not rlly the best example lmao), ect.
Everyone i do meet i want to say again are amazing but i just feel like im missing a whole completely different aspect of a friend because they are so much older.

I feel like the age im at now is such a werid age to find friends that are fully living here in Thailand as a foreigner (Born and raised in the US but half thai).

Basically what im curious about is how do people my age meet friends that are similar to their age? Ill be moving back to bangkok fully soon and i honestly just want some advice or honesty even if some people reached out that could be cool too lmao.

Edit: also wanted to add, ive tried to meet more thais and be friends with the locals as well, it does go well, but i never feel like i actually have a deep friendship with them. What ive come to realize (may be wrong but just from my prospective) since im half thai, i look thai to a degree obviously, but im still a foreigner. So i kind of sit on that werid spot of people speak thai to me, yet i cant have a fluent conversation back so they cant really connect like if i spoke thai fluently and everything. (I speak a good amount of thai but im learning more day by day)

Edit 2: if anyones in a similar boat to me, feel free to chuck me a message! Could possibly be friends!

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