Hello, thank you in advance for any help, it’s greatly appreciated!
I’m a foreigner planning to move to Bangkok for 1 year and i’m looking for someone to help spot me for gym bench press.

Hello, thank you in advance for any help, it’s greatly appreciated!

I’m a foreigner planning to move to Bangkok for 1 year and i’m looking for someone to help spot me for gym bench press.
Have roughly 3 years of experience in the gym, so I feel that getting a personal trainer wouldn’t really be cost-effective.

I’m aware that I could just ask strangers in the gym to help spot me, but that makes me really uncomfortable to waste their time/effort even if they are willing to do so. Much rather pay/tip someone to help me out on a consistent basis.

Read online that some condo rentals comes with gyms that have their own trainers/attendants, I figured that would be the best option for me, could anyone advice me on where to look? I have facebook, but haven’t been able to find any group that understands what i’m talking about

Or if there are any affordable alternatives such as hiring people just to spot me, that would absolutely work as well!

Thank you once again!

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