My wife, daughter, and I will be visiting Thailand for 2 months from end of November to mid January.

My wife, daughter, and I will be visiting Thailand for 2 months from end of November to mid January. My wife and I have been to Thailand a few times before we had our daughter, so we’re okay with getting around and familiar with most touristy stuff. This will be the first time we’ve traveled with a child.

Anyone here visit with a toddler and able to offer any suggestions on things to do or avoid doing? Any tips or unexpected things occur you wish you’d known or thought about? Also, what did your kid eat (if different from when you were at home)? We normally cook all of her meals, but I think we’ll probably skip that while there.

We’ll be in Bangkok for the first month, but then plan to take the train to Hua Hin Cha Am to stay through Christmas and New Years. I know this isn’t the Hua Hin sub, but does anyone know if there’s anything exciting going on for New Years?

Thank you for any replies. Also, if there is a better sub to ask this on, please let me know. Don’t want to bother anyone.

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